Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

ICARD GEMSTONE (Batu Bacan Edition)

Batu Bacan had been becoming familiar and famous since

the 6th President, Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, the Former President of Indonesia who had given Bacan Stone to Barrack Obama in 2010.  


As A matter of fact. Indonesia has a lot of beautiful Gems. Presently, One of the famous Stone is "Batu Bacan" (Bacan Stone) that comes from Bacan Island at North Maluku actually in Maluku Province. This Stones are mined in Kasiruta, North Maluku, Indonesia. This Stone Had been existed since Ternate, Tidore and Jailolo before Indonesia had gotten their Independence days  actually in 13rd-16th Centuries A.D. see http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kesultanan_Ternate.

This Stone content of rock mineral, the Latin name Chalcedony Chrysocolla, those names are combination of minerals that give effect Chrysocolla turquoise color and mineral chalcedony that makes this stone is very hard, which is the level of hardness 7 Mohs scale . Actually mineral named Chrysocolla is a limestone with soft texture. But it was hard when fused with mineral chalcedony. The Reason is The position of the Indonesian archipelago located in the Pacific Ring of Fire or the " Ring Of Fire " with many geologically active volcanoes are capable of causing the formation of the rocks of this unique natural. see: http://indonesia.travel/id/destination/905/ternate/article/304/batu-bacan-batu-mulia-istimewa-dari-m

Batu Bacan had been becoming familiar and famous since Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, the Former President of Indonesia who had given Bacan Stone to Barrack Obama in 2010.  see: bacandoko.net/batu-bacan-ternate/

They are more than 70  types of bacan, which usually people know beside doko and Palamea. That is Gurrango, Blue Electric, Pido,  and many more. Batu Bacan is "living stone" because of its ability to proceed naturally that more beautiful or pretty to wear it every day in the form of rings, necklaces , or the head of the belt. Batu Bacan with inclusions or stones that many fibers will slowly turn into a more clean ( clear ) and crystallized within years http://www.indonesia.travel/id/destination/905/ternate/article/304/batu-bacan-batu-mulia-istimewa-dari-maluku-utara

Parts of my gemstone collection. They'll be sold in cheap prices.


2 komentar:

  1. wow keren. jual batu apa aja mas? BISA DELIVERY ORDER NGGAK MAS?

  2. makasih infonya gan.
    tahukah anda, saat ini indonesia sedang demam batu, tak ketinggalan batu kecubung asihan yang dicari banyak orang, konon batu kecubung tersebut memiliki khasiat batu kecubung yang ampuh untuk menaklukkan lawan jenis atau ingin mendapatkan pasangan idaman, minuman berenergi
    jika anda juga ingin mendapatkannya klik DISINI>> kecubung asihan
